3/4 Cup In Tbsp


3/4 Cup In Tbsp

3/4 Cup In Tbsp

What Is a Cup?

A cup is a unit of measurement used to measure volume. It is typically equal to 8 fluid ounces or 16 tablespoons. It is a standard unit of measure used in cooking and baking recipes.

What Is a Tablespoon?

A tablespoon is a unit of measurement used to measure volume. It is typically equal to 3 teaspoons or 1/2 fluid ounce. It is also a standard unit of measure used in cooking and baking recipes.

How Many Tablespoons Are in 3/4 Cup?

There are 12 tablespoons in 3/4 cup. This means that 3/4 cup is equal to 12 tablespoons. To convert from cups to tablespoons, you need to multiply the number of cups by the number of tablespoons in a cup (which is 16 tablespoons). Therefore, 3/4 cup multiplied by 16 tablespoons is equal to 12 tablespoons.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. write this text and make 5 question from this text!A CUP OF COFFEMaterials:- 1 tbsp COFFE Powder- 2 tbsp sugar- Hot water- Cup-SpoonMethods:Prepare all the ingredients and toolPut the coffe and Sugar Prito the cupPour hot water into the cupStur it well using the spoonTe coffie is ready to be served,Tolong bantu jawab please ​


make 5 question=

what will we need when we want to make a cup of coffee?how much sugar we need when we want to make a cup of coffee?what utensils we need to make a cup of coffee?what kind of water we need to make a cup of coffee?how many steps to make a cup of coffee?



coffee powder,sugar,hot water,cup,and spoon2 teaspooncup and spoonhot water5 steps

smoga membant

{ Make 5 question from this text }

How much sugar does it used?What are the materials?What is the first step?When did we should put the hot water to the cup?Before we pour the hot water, what step did we need to do first?

2. Lia : how many pencil in the cup? Mia : there. There pencil in the cup.


Lia : how many pencil in the cup?

Mia : There are three pencils in the cup.


3. Sebutkan nama²/ piala² yg direbutkan oleh dunia di bawah ini :1. Thomas cup. 2. Uber cup3. Suratin cup4. Julies rimet cup5. Davis cup6. Pederation cup7. Swaything cup8. Carbilon cup​


kok cup cup semua sih?


gak mudeng

4. 48. Let's make a cup of tea!(1) Pour the boiled water into a cup(2) Boil some water(3) Stir it and the tea is ready to serve(4) Add some sugar and tea in a cup​

Semoga membantu


(2)Boil some water

(4)Add some sugar and tea in a cup

(1)Pour the boiled water into a cup

(3)Stir it and the tea is ready to serve

5. oes he drink a cup of coffee in the evening? * A.) He doesn't drink a cup of tea in the evening B.) He doesn't drink a cup of coffee in the evening C.) He doesn't eat a cup of coffee in the evening D.) He doesn't drink a cup of coffee in the morning


B) He doesn't drink a cup of coffe in the evening

6. father is....a cup of coffee in the veranda.

Jawabannya drinking...

7. Rainbow in a cup adalah artiya dalam h​


pelangi di dalam sebuah cup

jadiin jawaban tercerdas (kalo mau)

ig :@rshahifah

8. Nama gedung Cup Sang In di Pajambon

sekarangan namanya gedung pancasila

9. there / is'nt _________ coffe in my cup

Sorry kalo salah

10. 1. ……………….A pen on the table. 2. ……………….Five pens on the table. 3. ……………… sugar in the cup. 4. ………………an orange in the refrigerator. 5. ………………ten oranges in the refrigerator


1.there is

2.there are

3.there are

4.there is

5.there are

11. di bahasa indonesia To Make a Cup of Sweet Hot Tea1) Boil some water in the kettle2) Take a cup and put a bag of tea in it3) When the water is boiled, pour it into the cup4) Add some sugar and stir well5) A cup of sweet hot tea is ready to serve​


Translate into Indonesia language.

Untuk Membuat Secangkir Teh Panas Manis

1) Rebus air di dalam ketel

2) Ambil cangkir dan taruh sekantong teh di dalamnya

3) Setelah air mendidih, tuangkan ke dalam cangkir

4) Tambahkan sedikit gula dan aduk rata

5) Secangkir teh panas manis siap disajikan

semoga membantu

12. 2. How much serving size in oke bowl ( 1 bowl = 2.5 cup ) ?Jawabannya serving size 1 cup?​


serving size in one cup is... (29g)

serving in 1 bowl (2,5cup) is ... (72,5g)

13. We buying a cup of beer in the?


im sorry if wrongin the bar because in indonesia beer is ilegal for child under 17

14. There ... hot water in the cup​


There Drink Hot Water In The Cup


There is hot water in the cup


maaf kalo salah

15. 4. You break a cup in a friend houseYou say:​


You break a cup in a friend house

You say : Sorry I accidentally broke your cup


In Indonesian

Anda memecahkan cangkir di rumah teman

Kamu berkata : Maaf saya tidak sengaja memecahkan cangkirmu


You break a cup in a friend house

you say

=>sorry I accidentally broke you cup


in bhs Indonesia

kamu memecahkan cangkir di rumah teman

kamu berkata

=>maaf,saya tidak sengaja memecahkan cangkirmu

maaf kalau salah

semoga bermanfaat

hargai jawaban saya

jadikan jawaban terbaik

16. Zidan……………………………the best player in the World Cup 2006

Zidan IS the best player in the world cup 2006

17. arti : the first world cup was in...?​


piala dunia pertama masuk...?


semoga membantu


piala dunia pertama berada di

18. My father drinks a cup of.................in the morning


My father drinks a cup of Coffee in the morning


maaf klo slah

19. KindAmount/Number3 tbsp2 tbsp400-500 mlInstantinstantThingcoffeesugarmilkAction appliedFilterfilterNoConjuctionActionsIngredientsPlace, Time,Manner,etcIn a bowl1AndWhiskCoffee, sugar,boiling waterheat2​


coba kasih pertanyaannya yg jelas, jgn hanya kata"ny saja

20. Carol, ... Much coffe in the cup?

Carol, .... Much coffe in the cup?
kata yang tepat untuk mengisi... adalah How

Carol , How much coffe in the cup?

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