What Time Would It Be In 13 Hours


What Time Would It Be In 13 Hours

In 13 hours it would be 1:00PM. For example, if it is currently 10:00AM, then in 13 hours it will be 1:00PM.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. (09.20) What time will it be in 5 hours?​


09.20 + 5 hours = 14.20



09.20 + 05.00 = 14.20 atau 02.20 PM

2. 1.what time ia on the clock?2.what Time Will it be in 3 hours?3.what time was it in 2 hours ago?4.what time was it 1 hour and 20 minutes ago?5.what Time Will it be in 4 hours and 40 minutes?​


1. jam berapa di jam saya?

2. Jam berapa dalam 3 jam?

3. jam berapa 2 jam yang lalu?

4. Jam berapa 1 jam 20 menit yang lalu?

5.Waktu berapa dalam 4 jam dan 40 menit?


1. 8 o' clock

2. 11 o' clock

3. 6 o' clock

4. 7 o' clock 20 minutes

5. 12 o' clock 40 minutez

3. a) What time is on the clock? b) What time will it be in 3 hours? c) What time was it 1 hour and 20 minutes ago? d) What time will it be in 4 hours and 40 minutes? a) What time is on the clock? b) What time will it be in 5 hours? c) What time was it 3 hour and 30 minutes ago? d) What time will it be in 1 hours and 50 minutes?

8.00 a clock

karna itu jam 8


Maaf kalo salah

4. what Time was it 3 hours and 30 minutes ago?​


jam 7


maaf kalau salah

5. a train can travel 400 km in 5 hours time. what is the train rate ?​


kereta api dapat menempuh jarak 400 km dalam waktu 5 jam. berapa tarif keretanya?

6. A car travels a distance of 540 km in 6 hours. what speed did it travel​


90 km/hour

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

540 km ÷6 hour= 90 km/hour

7. It's 9.15 now. What time is the next 2.5 hours​




maaf kalo Salah ( sorry if wrong)

8. what time will it be in 1 hours and 5 minutes?​


ten twenty-five or twenty-five minutes past ten or thirty-five minutes to eleven


Current time : 09 : 20

after 1 hours and 5 minutes should be about 10:25

9. convert decimal time to hours and minutes in excel

1. Select a blank cell which you want to output the converted result, and enter this formula =A2/24, drag fill handle over the cells you need. See screenshot:

2. Keep the formula cells highlighted, and right click to show context menu and select Format Cells. And in the Format Cells dialog, select Time from the Category list, and choose one time type as you need from right section. See screenshot:

3. Click OK. Now the decimal hours have been converted to time format.

Note: if you want to convert decimal minutes to time format, you can apply this formula =A2/1440, and then format the cells as the time format you want. See screenshot:

10. F. Answer the following questions.(8:00) a) What time is on the clock?b) What time will it be in 3 hours? c) What time was it 1 hour and 20 minutes ago?d) What time will it be in 4 hours and 40 minutes?(9:20) a) What time is on the clock? b) What time will it be in 5 hours? c) What time was it 3 hour and 30 minutes ago? d) What time will it be in 1 hours and 50 minutes?makasi banyak yg udah jawabb tolong bgt dikumpulin besok​



a) 08.00

b) 11.00

c) 06.40


a) 09.20

b) 14.20

c) .... ?

d) ... ?


semoga bermanfaat!

11. What is 3.39 pm in 24 hours?


15:39 in 24 hours

semoga bermanfaat



Jangan lupa, tekan tombol Terima Kasih dan tandai sebagai Jawaban Tercerdas yaa

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Terima Kasih  

12. 1.If it’s 4.45. what time it will be in an 4 and three quarter hours?. 2.If it’s 9.15. what time it WAS 6 hours and 35 minutes ago?.

the answer is :

1. 9.30

2. 2.40

13. What time will be it in 3 hours? a. It is ten minutes past three b. Its is ten minutes past four c. it is ten minutes past five d. it is ten minutes past six​


c.it is Ten minutes past five


jadikan jawaban tercerdas y....


A. It is ten minutes past three



14. 1.what time ks shown on the clock? 2. What time will it be in 3 hours? 3. What time was it an hour and 20 minutes ago? 4. What time wii it be in 4 hours and 40 minutes?

gambar jamnya mana yg menunjukkan waktu skr?

15. A train travels 400 km in 6 hours. How much time it will take to cover 800 km?


800km : 400km/6jam = 800 x 6/400 = 4.800/400

= 12 jam

16. Practice TimeWrite the time in words.1. 0500 hours2. 1820 hours3. 2359 hours​


1. it's five o'clock

2. it's six - twenty p.m

3. it's one minute to midnight

17. 1.What time is shown on the clock?2.What time will it be in 3 hours?3.What time was it an hour and 20 minutes ago?4What time will it be in 4 hours and 40 minutes?5.What time is shown on the clock?6.What time will it be in 5 hours?7.What time was it 3 hour and 30 minutes ago?8.What time will it be in an hour and 50 minutes?​


Figure 1

1. It's 03.09 a.m. (nine past three)

2. It's 06.09 a.m. (nine past six)

3. It's 01.49 a.m. (eleven to two)

4. It's 07.49 a.m. (eleven to eight)

Figure 2

5. It's 08.22 a.m. (twenty two past eight)

6. It's 13.22 p.m. (twenty two past one)

7. It's 04.52 a.m. (eight to five)

8. It's 10.12 a.m. (twelve past ten)

18. 1.what time wil be in 3 hours and 10 minutes 2.what time was it 2 hours 40 minutes 3.what time will be in 5 hours 4.what time will it 2 hours 5.what time wa it 1 hour and 30 minutes a go?

1. it will be 12:10

2. it was 6:20

3. it will be 14:00

4. It will be 11:00

5. it was 7:30

19. Jawab yah kakk ^^ 1. It is 5 a.m. on a Sunday in New York. Tokyo is 14 hours ahead of New York. What time is it in Tokyo? 2. t is 6 p.m. on a Monday in Tokyo. Singapore is 1 hour behind Tokyo. What time is it in Singapore? 3. It is 11 00 in Jakarta while in Tokyo it is 13 00. What is the time difference between Jakarta and Tokyo?


1. 7 p.m.

2. 5 p.m.

3. 2 hours

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu ya ( ╹▽╹ )

20. A movie started atau 6.10 p.m. it lasted 2 hours 19 minutes. What time did it end? (Menggunakan cara)

A movie started 6.10 p.m. it lasted 2 hours 19 minutes.

What time did it end?


Sebuah film dimulai pada pukul 18.10 dan berlangsung selama 2 jam 19 menit.

Jam berapa film tersebut berakhir?




______ +


So the ending time of the movie is 20:29 p.m


Jadi jam berakhir nya film tersebut adalah jam 20.29

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