When The Following Equation Is Balanced The Coefficients Are


When The Following Equation Is Balanced The Coefficients Are

Balancing an Equation

In chemistry, an equation is balanced when the same number of atoms of each element is present on both sides of the equation. To balance an equation, the coefficients (the numbers in front of the compound) of the reactants and products must be adjusted until the number of each type of atom on both sides of the equation is the same.


For example, the chemical equation for the combustion of methane is: CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O In this equation, there is 1 atom of carbon (C) on the left side and 1 atom of carbon (C) on the right side. There are 4 atoms of hydrogen (H) on the left side and 8 atoms of hydrogen (H) on the right side. To balance the equation, the coefficients of the reactants and products must be adjusted until the number of each type of atom on both sides of the equation is the same. The balanced equation is: CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O In this balanced equation, there is 1 atom of Carbon (C) on the left side and 1 atom of Carbon (C) on the right side. There are 4 atoms of Hydrogen (H) on the left side and 4 atoms of Hydrogen (H) on the right side.
To summarize, when an equation is balanced, the coefficients of the reactants and products are adjusted until the number of each type of atom on both sides of the equation is the same. This ensures that the same number of atoms of each element is present on both sides of the equation.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. When both forces on an object are the same size, the forces are balanced. True or False?




Ketika gaya individu yang diterapkan pada suatu benda memiliki besaran yang sama dan arah yang berlawanan, maka gaya tersebut dikenal sebagai gaya seimbang

2. solve the following equation​


solve the following equation

soalnya mana ???


memecahkan persamaan berikut

3. Which of the following is true ofan object whenever work is doneon the object? *a. The object moves.b. The object accelerates.c. The forces acting upon the object are balanced.d. The forces acting upon the object are unbalanced​

The true statement whenever work is done on the object is A,B,and Distruestatement.


Hi dude ! Now we will learn about "work (physics)". In the physics, we said work if any force that make anything move (including us) from a place to another place. From the meaning of work, we know that work are depend on two factor. There are :

Force. When you increase the force to move, the number of work is increase too. But, when you decrease the force, the number of work is decrease too.Shifting. When the distance of shifting increase, the number of work is increase too.

Problem Solving

Let's go we check again by the option :

(A) : The object moves

Yes, we know that when the distance of moving is increase, the number of work is increase too. So, even the object starting move, its mean that we have do the work to the object.

(B) : The object accelerates

Yes, its a true statement too. We know that we need force to moving any other thing (including ourself). Flashback again, that when we do a force, that mean"there is mass that has been moving with a certain acceleration". So, if we have do the work, we have do the force too. If we do the force, the acceleration is exist.

(C) : The forces acting upon the object are balanced

Yes, this statement is false. But, there may be confusion between "balanced" and "constant". If we say balance its meaning, "The object has not passing its equilibrium point or the forces acting (between left and right) are the same".

If the object has not passing its equilibrium point, the object not moving. If the object not moving, the number of works is zero.If the force acting is balance, so the resultant number is zero. When resultant ia zero, there is no force and also there is no works.(D) : The forces acting upon the object are unbalanced

Thisstatementistrue. From the explanation on point C, we can conclude if the imbalance of the force that occurs will cause the object to move or the occurrence of a force that causes a resultant in a certain direction. The existence of a shiftig or force causes the value of the work done by the object.

More Detail About This Question :Grade : Junior High SchoolSubject : PhysicsChapter : Force and Works In Our LiveKeyword : works; works meaning in physics; factor of the works

4. 1. Determine the equation of the curve, y from the following gradient functions. Given that dy/dx = 3 - x² - 4x and y = 4 when x = 0​

Karena soalnya bahasa inggris, gw ngerjainnya pake bahas inggris juga ya biar afdol.

Tolong brainliest answernya

5. 1. Is the following equation a linear equation of 2 variables. 4xy - 8 = 12 * a.yes b.no


a. Yes

Penjelasan dengan Langkah-Langkah :​

Karena pada linear equation (Persamaan Linear) tersebut terdapat 2 variabel yaitu x dan y

Jadi jawabannya adalah a. Yes

Semoga membantu

Jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya :)

6. Solve the following equation:2y - 7 = 7y - 27y = __

y = 4

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

2y-7 = 7y-27

2y-7y = -27+7

-5y = -20

y = 4

7. the equation of a function is y=3x-5. find the value of x when y=10 ​











don't forget make me a very good answer

The value of x when y = 10 is 5


y = 3x - 5

Find the value of x when y = 10


Change y with 10.

10 = 3x - 5

3x = 10 + 5

3x = 15

x = 15/3

x = 5


So, The value of x when y = 10 is 5

8. . Is the following equation a linear equation of 2 variables. x - y = -4 * a.yes b.no

menurut saya jawaban nya A karena ada x dan y

9. the equation of the word valuable is?​


persamaan dari kata bernilai itu?


maaf kalo salah

please jadikan sebagai jawaban tercerdas ☺️


B Inggris = The Equation Of The Word Valuable Is ?

B Indonesia = Persamaan Dari Kata Bernilai Itu ?

10. the correct linear equation form is...


the correct linear equation form is

linear equation = persamaan garis lurus

y = mx + b

dimana m itu adalah gradien garis tersebut

11. Find the value of x of the following equation. x2+(x+2)2


(x + 2)² = (x + 2) (x + 2)

           =x.x + x.2 + x.2 + 2.2

           =x² + 2x + 2x + 4

           =x² + 4x + 4

x² + x² + 4x + 4=2x² + 4x + 4

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

cari nlai x sendiri ya will aku juga bingung

12. the equation of the line through the points (1,5) and (2,3) is?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

itu jawabannya

please make the best ok

13. The cubiz equation [tex]P(z) =0[/tex] has real coefficients. If two of the roots are [tex]-3[/tex] and [tex]-1-3i[/tex] (i) State the third root (ii) Find the cubic equation in the form [tex]az^3+bz^2+cz+d=0[/tex]

P(z) = 0 therefore we can find the factors from the roots

factors of root -3 == (x + 3)

factors of root -1 -3i = (x + 1 + 3i)

Question I : State the third root of the equation

the third root would be the conjugate of the complex root which is (-1 + 3i)

therefore we get our third factor which is (x + 1 - 3i)

Question II : Find the cubic equation in the form [tex]az^3 + bz^2 + cz + d = 0[/tex]

with that equation the coefficients must be real, we can multiply our factors

(x + 3)(x + 1 + 3i)(x + 1 - 3i) = 0

[tex](3ix + x^2 + 4x + 9i + 3)(x + 1 - 3i)[/tex] = 0

[tex]x^3+5x^2+16x+30[/tex] = 0

Maaf kalau salah, sudah lama tidak mengerjakan soal seperti ini.

I. Roots of -3 : the factor is (x+3), roots of -1-3i : factor is (x+(1+3i))

One of the roots is real, and other one is imaginary, if one root is imaginary that means another one is also imaginary according to quadratic formula

quadratic formula :

x = (-b ± √(D))/2a , D = b²-4ac

one of the imaginary root is -1-3i (or -(1+3i)), meaning the other one must be it's conjugate that is -1+3i (or -(1-3i)) (factor is (x+(1-3i))

ii. The cubic equation in form of roots are :

0 = (x+3)(x+(1-3i))(x+(1+3i))

0 = (x+3)(x²+2x+10)

0 = x³+5x²+16x+30

14. Write a balanced chemical equation describing the reaction of zinc and hydrochloric acid !

Answer :


Metal Metal =Zn(s) Hydrochloric acid solution =HCl(aq) Zinc Chloride =ZnCl2(aq) Hydrogen Gas =H2 (g)

Zn(s)+HCl (aq) -->ZnCl2(aq)+H2 (g)

EquateZn(s) +2HCl(aq)-->ZnCL2 (aq) +H2 (g)

15. Magnesium Sulfate could be made in the laboratory by neutralising a base, Magnesium Oxide, with an acid. What is the acid and write a balanced equation for the reaction.

The acid is sulphuric acid (H2SO4)

The reaction is:
[tex] MgO + H_2SO_4 => MgSO_4 + H_2O [/tex]H₂SO₄ (sulfuric acid)

Balanced equation of the reaction

[tex]MgO_{(s)} + H_2SO_4_{(aq)} \rightarrow MgSO_4_{(aq)} + H_2O_{(l)} [/tex]

16. The ion h2f is formed when hydrogen fluoride gains a proton as shown in the equation .....


- co-ordinate bond

- the shared electron pair is donated to the H+ ion from the fluoride


The ion H2F+ is formed when hydrogen fluoride gains a proton as shown in the equation

HF + H+ --> H2F+

Name the type of bond formed when HF reacts with H+

Explain how this bond is formed (2)

17. the equation y = ax^6 - 4, y=8 when x = 2 and y = 71 when x = 5. The expression of a^b is ​

The expression of a^b is ​9.


The question is not written correctly. Despite asking about [tex]a^b[/tex], the problem does not contain any "b".

Here is the correct question :

The equation [tex]y=ax^b-4[/tex], y = 8 when x = 2 and y = 71 when x = 5. The expression of [tex]a^b[/tex] is ...

A. 6

B. 8

C. 9

D. 16

E. 25

Let's solve this problem!

Given :


y = 8 when x = 2

y = 71 when x = 5.

Question :


Answer :


y = 8 when x = 2


y = 71 when x = 5


b = 2



∴ The expression of [tex]a^b[/tex] is 9. (Option C)

Learn more :

Problems related to exponents :




Detail of Answer

Grade : 9 (JHS)

Subject : Mathematics

Chapter : Exponents

Categorization : 9.2.2

Keywords : numbers, exponents, x, y.

18. Find coefficients a, b, c, and d so that the curveshown in the accompanying figure is given bythe equation ax^2+ ay^2+ bx + cy + d = 0


at the explaination

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

explanation at the picture

19. the equation redox reaction below is unbalanced.a KBr + KMnO4 + b H2SO4 ➡ c Br2 + MnSO4 + d K2SO4 + H2Oafter being balanced the values of a, b, c dan d are...

maksudnya apa??.........…..

20. The gradien of the equation y = 3x – 6 is​


Ia arter mah ........ .....

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