258 Pounds To Dollars


258 Pounds To Dollars

258 Pounds To Dollars is a simple exchange rate calculation to convert British Pound (GBP) to United States Dollar (USD). To convert 258 Pounds to Dollars, simply multiply 258 by the current exchange rate. How often do the exchange rates change? Exchange rates change daily and can be found on websites such as XE.com.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Arya : The belt costs $ 38.50Jeny : $ 38.50 is read …A Thirty eight dollars and fifteen cents B Thirty eight dollars and fifty centsC Thirty eight dollars and fifty poundsD Thirty eight dollars and fifteen poundsE Thirty eight dollars and fifty five pounds​



Thirty eight dollars and fifty cents

$38.50 is read:

B. Thirty eight dollars and fifty cents

2. How much does the man have to pay for the room’s cost?Gambar Tanpa TeksA. 86 dollarsB. 88 dollarsC. 98 dollarsD. 89 dollarsE. 96 dollars​

Jawaban: 88 dollars (B)

Penjelasan:  80  tambah 10 % : 80 tambah 8 : 88 (10% dari 80 : 8)

3. 10. How much money does the teller give to Ray?A. Fifty dollarsB. Twelve dollars.C. One hundred dollars.D. One hundred and twenty dollars.E. Twelve hundred thousand dollars.​


E. Twelve hundred thousand dollars.



d.one hundread and twenty dollars


$120=one hundread and twenty dollars

one hundread=seratus

twenty =dua puluh


seratus dua puluh dolar

kalo salah maaf

4. $75.7 = Rp.???? Dollars to Rupiah ( $1 = Rp 10000 )

75.7 × 10000 = 757000$1 = 10.000

$75.7 = 75.7 ( 10.000 )
$75.7 = 755.000

śémøğá męmbāñţű ^_^

5. How much hamburger meat are they going to need? A.three pounds B.ten hamburger C.nine pounds D.seven packages E.six bags


i dont know, how could i know?


lack of information

6. Jawaban 11. it costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth__________


11. it costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth filled.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan kalimat pada jawaban di atas menggunakan bentuk Causative Have:

(+) Subject + Have/Has/Had + Something + Verb-3

Semoga membantu ya.

7. is it save to consume 5 pounds of sand?


are you kidding me?

its definitely notbsafe even if you consume 1 pound of sand

you'll get sick or even die


sorry if im wrong

8. If 1.00 pounds = 1.20 euros, How many pounds is 60.00 euros?


1.00 pounds = 1.20 euros

60.00 pounds = 60.00×1.20 = 72.00 euros

9. 100 pounds berapa gramm??

45359,237 gram.

kalo jika massa kan jadi itu100 pound : 45.359,237
maaf takut salah

10. Ten dollars were given atau ten dollars was given

ten dollars were givenjawabannya tergantung pada lembar dollar-nya.

bila lembar 1 dollar-nya berjumlah sepuluh lembar kertas; ten dollars were given

tetapi bila 10 dollars dalam 1 lembar kertas ; ten dollars was given

11. arti dari " lose up to 25 pounds in 25 days! "

turun sampai 25 pound di 25 hari
hilangkan sampai dengan 25 pound dalam 25 hari!

12. 7.Why should Ray fill out this form?A. To open a bank account.B. To get some money for free.C.. To withdraw his money.D. To apply as a bank teller.E. To register as a bank officer.8.How much money does the teller give to Ray?A: Fifty dollars.B. Twelve dollars.One hundred dollars.One hundred and twenty dollars.E. Twelve hundred thousand dollars.​


7. A.



tidak ada lampiran gambar atau percakapan???

13. 800 pounds berapa kilogram

1 pounds = 0.453 kilogram

800 x 0.453 = 362,4 kilogram

semoga membantu. . .
jadikan jawaban tercerdas
8 kilo gram ,, Ith soalnya beneran pounds

14. 258 + (-171) =(-171) + 258 =​







Semakin banyak hal yang ingin kamu ketahui maka semakin baik otak akan bekerja!

Catatan II:

Jadikan terbaik karena jawabanku adalah solusi terbaikmu!

Catatan III:

Good luck!

15. 10.) jake harvested 30 pounds of eggplants and 90 pounds of carrots. what is the ratio of eggplants to carrots



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Kan yang ditanya ratio/perbandingan ya, jadi tinggal kita bandingin aja :

Eggplants : Carrots

30 : 90

Disederhanakan dengan dibagi 30, jadi =

Eggplants : Carrots


Semoga membantu, yaa.

16. Martha pays 20 dollars for materials to make earrings. She makes 10 earrings and sells 7 for 5 dollars and 3 for 2 dollars. Write a numerical expression to represent this situation and then find Martha's profit?

Jawaban:21 dollarPenjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:Martha membayar 20 dolar untuk bahan membuat anting. Dia membuat 10 anting dan menjual 7 untuk 5 dolar dan 3 untuk 2 dolar. Berapa keuntungan yang diperoleh Martha?JawabanKonsep :Keuntungan suatu penjualan diperoleh ketika harga jual lebih besar dibandingkan dengan harga beli. Secara matematis, keuntungan bisa diperoleh dariUntung=HargaJual-HargaBeliUntung=HargaJual−HargaBeliPenyelesaian :Pada soal, diketahui bahwauang sebesar 20 dolar digunakan untuk membuat 10 anting, sehingga HargaBeli=20dolarHargaBeli=20dolar7 anting dijual dengan harga 5 dolar dan 3 anting dijual dengan harga 2 dolar, sehingga HargaJual=7\times 5dolar+3\times 2dolar=41dolarHargaJual=7×5dolar+3×2dolar=41dolarDari kedua hal tersebut, maka besar keuntungan yang diperoleh Martha dihitung denganUntung=HargaJual-HargaBeliUntung=HargaJual−HargaBeliUntung=41dolar-20dolarUntung=41dolar−20dolarUntung=21dolarUntung=21dolarJadi, besar keuntungan yang diperoleh Martha adalah 21 dolar.

pliss jadikan jawaban tercerdas

17. The table shows the prices of three itemsRound these prices to the nearest ten dollarsRounded to thenearest ten dollarsPriceItem$$988Handphone$$1005Refrigerator$$3022Laptop​


handphone $1000

Refrigerator $1000

Laptop $3000


18. 3.Who is John Harris? *A.The receptionistB.The cash ownerC.The bank ownerD.The customerE.The teller4. How much money does the teller give to Rose Malinda? *A.Fifty dollarsB.Fifteen dollarsC One hundred dollarsD.One hundred and fifty dollarsE .Fifteen hundred thousand dollars​


3.A.) The Reception

4.D.)One Hundred And fifty dollars

19. the doll is 500 pounds and you only have 450 pounds how much money that you need to get?


500 pounds -450 pounds=50 pounds

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

20. On a day, the exchange rate between the Singapore dollars (SGD) and the US dollars (USD) is 1 SGD = 0.816 USD, correct to 3 decimal between the places. The exchange rate Australian dollars (AUD) and the US dollars is 1 AUD = 1.073 USD, correct to 3 decimal places. (a) Find the exchange rate, correct to 3 decimal places, between Singapore dollars and Australian dollars in AUD/SGD. (b) Mr Lim has a son studying in a university in Sydney. He has to remit 25 000 AUD to him. Find the required amount of Singapore dollars correct to the nearest dollar.​


(a) To find the exchange rate between Singapore dollars and Australian dollars in AUD/SGD, we can use the given exchange rates:

1 SGD = 0.816 USD

1 AUD = 1.073 USD

To convert from SGD to AUD, we can first convert SGD to USD, and then convert USD to AUD:

1 SGD = 0.816 USD

1 SGD/0.816 USD = 1.22549019608 SGD/USD (using the reciprocal of 0.816)

1 AUD = 1.073 USD

1.073 USD/1 AUD = 0.93121440823 AUD/USD (using the reciprocal of 1.073)

Now, to get the exchange rate between SGD and AUD, we can divide the AUD/USD exchange rate by the SGD/USD exchange rate:

0.93121440823 AUD/USD ÷ 1.22549019608 SGD/USD ≈ 0.759 AUD/SGD

Therefore, the exchange rate between Singapore dollars and Australian dollars in AUD/SGD is approximately 0.759, correct to 3 decimal places.

(b) To find the required amount of Singapore dollars to remit 25,000 AUD, we can use the exchange rate we found in part (a):

1 AUD = 0.759 SGD (approximately)

Therefore, 25,000 AUD is equivalent to:

25,000 AUD × 0.759 SGD/AUD ≈ 18,975 SGD

Rounding to the nearest dollar, the required amount of Singapore dollars is 18,975 SGD.


a. 1×0.816÷3÷1.073=0, 253494874

b. 25000÷3=8.333, 33333

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