Wizard Of Oz Derby Dinner Playhouse


Wizard Of Oz Derby Dinner Playhouse

Introduction to the Wizard of Oz at Derby Dinner Playhouse

The Classic Tale

The Wizard of Oz is a timeless classic, originally written by L. Frank Baum and brought to life by the iconic 1939 film starring Judy Garland. The story follows Dorothy, a young girl from Kansas who is swept away to the magical land of Oz. Along the way, she meets a Scarecrow in need of a brain, a Tin Man in need of a heart, and a Cowardly Lion in need of courage. Together, they must find the Wizard of Oz, who can grant them their wishes.

The Playhouse Adaptation

Derby Dinner Playhouse brings this classic tale to life on stage with a musical adaptation that captures all the magic of the film. Audiences will be captivated by the lovable characters, imaginative costumes, and toe-tapping songs. The production features all the beloved characters of the movie, including an original score, special effects, and other surprises.

A Perfect Family Show

The Wizard of Oz at Derby Dinner Playhouse is the perfect show for the entire family. With its vibrant characters and catchy songs, it is sure to delight theatergoers of all ages. Come join Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion on their adventure to find the Wizard of Oz!

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. cerita the wizard of oz

Penyihir Oz (bahasa Inggris: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) ialah bacaan anak karya Lyman Frank Baum danilustrasinya dibuat oleh W.W. Denslow. Karya ini awalnya diterbitkan oleh George M. Hill Company di Chicagopada tahun 1900, dan masih dicetak sampai kini. Cerita ini mengisahkan tentang seorang anak gadis bernamaDorothy Gale di Negeri Oz. L. Frank Baum mempersembahkan buku ini "untuk kawan dan kameradku yang baik, isteriku," Maud Gage Baum. Parasejarawan, ekonom, dan sarjana sastra telah mengembangkan berbagai penafsiran politik dari cerita ini.

2. the wizard of oz dalam bahasa inggris

di artikan ke bhasa indonesia kah

3. Cerita Wizard of Oz dalam bahasa inggris

Dorothy, a girl who lives in Kansas with my uncle and aunt. They lived in a modest house with a large meadow which is described completely gray. Dorothy also lived with her dog, Toto.

One day, uncle Dorothy saw a tornado in the distance and warn everyone to take shelter in the basement. But since being saved Toto, Dorothy has not had time to reach the door to the basement when the wind storm hit their home. Dorothy then rotate with the home wind, drifting away and eventually landed in the middle of nowhere. From this experience Dorothy begins.
The original book cover th edition. 1900

The original book cover th edition. 1900

Turns Dorothy shared her house landed in an imaginary country, where everything looks beautiful and colorful, with a garden and flowers and blue sky charming. However, Dorothy wants to go back to its original place in Kansas and was reunited with his uncle and aunt. "There is no place like home" is Dorothy answer to the question why he wanted to go back to Kansas that completely gray. Living in the country turns a small group of adults and of Dorothy advised them to go to the Emerald City of Oz, and meet with the Oz which they can help Dorothy return home. So proceed towards the little girl kenuju emerald city of Oz appointed. Well, in this journey he met with three other main character in this story, which always accompanied him on trips next.

First, Dorothy meets the Scarecrow, 'a' scarecrow is pegged at a wooden stake in the middle of the garden to scare crows nakutin. Scarecrow wants to have a real brain, and not a pile of hay stuffed in his head, so that he can think and smart as others. So he ended up walking together to the place of Oz Dorothy to invoke give him brain in his head and walk the two of them went on.

In the next journey, they meet with the Tin Woodman were stuck in a tree being felled timber. They then helped the Tin Woodman and the Tin Woodman because it wanted to have a real heart in his chest so he could truly love, then follow it with two of his new friend to the place of Oz.

When entering the forest they met with a lion, who despite his roar sounds very scary, but actually he was afraid. The lion was eager to have the courage to be truly be king of the jungle as the name commonly given to the lions, and hope the Oz could give. So the four of them walk toward the emerald city of Oz is.

Journey to Oz this place is not easy at all. There is always a hurdle in many forms, whether it is a physical barrier such as a deep chasm or a rushing river, or in the form of an enemy or other annoying creature. Each face of obstacles that they work together and to provide what each had, skill to cut timber from the Tin Woodman, the ideas of observation and experience the Scarecrow, the Lion's roar death, and charisma of a simple girl Dorothy, until finally they managed to reach the emerald city of Oz. However, after passing through so many obstacles tired it turns out the answer is not simply obtained directly from the Oz. Still there are other tasks that require them to do so the trip again, until finally they find an unexpected reality and again and again take a trip full of obstacles. In the whole trip that Baum pour moral messages, as told so that the message that I think is very basic it can be very down to earth.

Things always resonates throughout the story is that we ultimately have to believe in yourself, in your own strength that actually always there within us. But often times we felt did not have any and then fought to have it, which often brings us anyway back into themselves to find it. These forces, if united, would be very valuable capital. This I can be seen in a variety of dimensions, whether in dimensions when faced with problems of everyday life, in work, in the management of the organization, to the spiritual dimension (where happiness and even God finally we find in ourselves / our own hearts). Capital believe in yourself is what I think is very fundamental. In the end the four companions managed to overcome all obstacles not by any outside themselves, but from donations strength from within themselves. Scarecrow who was not smart because it does not have a brain, in the end the most frequently brilliant ideas to solving the problem. The Tin Woodman who feel they have turned out to be the most rapid heart fell in pity, and the lion in some situations succeeded in removing the courage within himself to help his friends. Dorothy itself as long as it was found to capital is very important and useful, but not realizing it.

4. Karangan cerita the wizard of oz

itu cerita tentang penyihir

5. Rylon company produces two types of perfume, namely Brute(B) and Chanelle(C). The materials needed to produce both are purchased at $3 per pound. Processing 1 lb of material requires 1 hour of laboratory work. One pound of ingredients can produce 3 oz of Regular Brute (RB) and 4 oz of Regular Chanelle (RC). The RB can be sold for $7 per oz and the RC can be sold for $6 per oz. Both perfumes can be further processed and produce Luxury Brute (LB) and Luxury Chanelle (LC) with selling prices of $18/oz and $14/oz, respectively. One oz of processed RB requires an additional 3 hours of laboratory work and costs $4 and produces 1 oz of LB. One oz of processed RC requires an additional 2 hours of laboratory work and costs $4 and produces 1 oz of LC. Each year Rylon has a maximum purchasing power of 4000 lb of material and 6000 hours of laboratory work. Formulate PL that can be used to maximize profits. It is assumed that laboratory costs are fixed costs.

Linear Programming Model

max  7 X1 + 6Y1 + (18-4) X2 + (14-4) Y2 - 3Z

Z = ( X1 + X2)/3

Z = ( Y1 + Y2 )/4

Z ≤ 4000

Z + 3 X2 + 2Y2 ≤ 6000

X1 ≥ 0 , X2 ≥ 0 , Y1 ≥ 0, Y2 ≥ 0 , Z ≥ 0

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Decision Variables

X1 amount of Regular Brute sold yearly (ounces)

Y1 amount of Regular Chanelle sold yearly (ounces)

X2 amount of Luxury Brute sold yearly (ounces)

Y2 amount of Luxury Chanelle sold yearly(ounces)

Z amount of raw materials purchased yearly(pounds)

If you choose Decision Variables as:

X1 amount of raw material in Regular Brute (pounds)

Y1 amount of raw material in Regular Chanelle (pounds)

X2 amount of raw material in Luxury Brute (pounds)

Y2 amount of raw material in Luxury Chanelle (pounds)

It is not going to be easy to write the profit. The

problem is with these variables you cannot account for

the fact that 1 pound of raw material jointly produces 3

ounces of regular brute and 4 ounces of regular chanelle.

You implicitly impose a sharing of the raw material which

imposes an incorrect sharing on the profit.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang :

laba maksimum pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/19396987


6. nama wizard yang digunakan untuk membuat koneksi ke sebuah ISP adalaha.Add New Hardware Wizardb.New Connection Wizardc.Found New Hardware Wizardd.Up date Connection Wizard

Nama wizard yang digunakan untuk membuat koneksi ke sebuah ISP adalah B. New Connection Wizard

New Connection Wizard digunakan untuk konfigurasi koneksi remote pada sistem. Beberapa pilihan konfigurasinya antara lain Internet Connection, Dial-up Connection to Private Networks, VPN Connections to Private Network, Direct Connections to Other Computer through Serial, Paraller or Infrared Connection  

Add New Hardware Wizard digunakan untuk menambahkan perangkat keras baru kedalam sistem

Found New Hardware Wizard digunakan untuk mendapatkan perangkat keras yang baru di-instal ke sistem

Update Connection Wizard digunakan untuk memperbaharui koneksi

Kelas : SMP

Mapel : TIK

Kode : 9.11.3

Kategori : Akses Internet

Kata kunci : ISP Wizard

7. Tenses (oneform) Dorothy (not meet) the wizard of OZ yet.

Dorothy hasn't met the wizard of OZ yet.

8. Abrahan derby adalah penemu apa​


semoga bermanfaat.maaf kalo salah


beliau menggunakan batu bara (cokes) untuk melelehkan besi

Jawaban :

Penemu batubara

9. cerita the wizard of oz dalam bahasa inggris

Apa di internet gak ada ???

10. derby seorang karyawan perusahaan telekomunikasi di Indonesia. derby menerima pendapatan sebesar Rp 7.000.000,00 per bulan. derby belum memiliki istri atau anak. Tentukan perhitungan pajak terutang derby dalam setahun​



1. Mencari gaji kotor per tahun

2. Mencari biaya jabatan per tahun

3. Mencari gaji bersih per tahun

4. Mencari PTKP Pasal 21

5. Mencari PKP

6. Mencari tarif PPh Pasal 17 Ayat 1

7. Mencari PPh terutang per tahun


= 12 x gaji per bulan

= 12 x 7.000.000

= 84.000.000


= 5% x gaji kotor per tahun

= 0,05 x 84.000.000

= 4.200.000


= gaji kotor per tahun - biaya jabatan per tahun

= 84.000.000 - 4.200.000

= 79.800.000


WP = 54.000.000


= gaji bersih per tahun - PTKP

= 79.800.000 - 54.000.000

= 25.800.000


5% x 25.800.000 = 1.290.000



Jadi, besarnya pajak penghasilan (PPh) terutang Derby dalam setahun adalah Rp1.290.000.


Dalam mencari PPh terutang, baik per tahun, maupun per bulan, terlebih dahulu kita mencari gaji per tahun.

GAJI KOTOR terdiri dari gaji pokok per tahun ditambah tunjangan-tunjangan (apabila ada).

BIAYA JABATAN bersifat mengurangi (-) gaji kotor per tahun akibat suatu jabatan di instansi/perusahaan. Besarannya adalah 5% dari gaji kotor per tahun. Besaran maksimalnya adalah Rp6.000.000 per tahun.

GAJI BERSIH merupakan gaji kotor per tahun yang telah dikurangi oleh iuran-iuran dan biaya jabatan.

PTKP adalah penghasilan yang tidak dikenakan pajak, terdiri dari:

Wajib pajak (WP) sebesar Rp54.000.000,Status kawin/menikah sebesar Rp4.500.000Tanggungan/anak sebesar Rp4.500.000 per orang, dengan jumlah maksimal 3 orangPenghasilan yang digabung antara suami dan istri sebesar Rp54.000.000

PKP adalah penghasilan yang dikenakan pajak, diperoleh dengan cara mengurangkan gaji bersih per tahun dengan PTKP.

PKP menjadi dasar perhitungan tarif pajak penghasilan (PPh) per tahunnya. Berdasarkan tarif PPh Pasal 17 Ayat 1:

PKP < Rp50.000.000 dikenakan tarif 5%.PKP Rp50.000.000 - Rp250.000.000 dikenakan tarif 15%PKP Rp250.000.000 - Rp500.000.000 dikenakan tarif 25%PKP > Rp500.000.000 dikenakan tarif 30%

Semoga Bermanfaat

Terima Kasih


11. siapa derby harington

Derby Harrington Pemimpin di geng Preppies , dia agak kasar , sombong , dia pernah mengejek Bif Taylor setelah pertarungan tinju

12. Sebutkan tabulasi yang ada pada kotak dialog chart wizard step 3 of 4 chart options

maksudnya?, minta tolong dijelaskan dengan benar :-)

13. Gaya bahasa the wonderful wizard of oz ​Bahasa indo​




aku gak ngerti

14. nama wizard yang digunakan untuk membuat koneksi ke sebuah isp adalah a. add new hardware wizardb. found new hardware wizardc. new connectionn wizardd. up date connection wizard

C. New connection wizard

15. To reduce 16 ounces of a 25% solution of antiseptic to a 10% antiseptic solution, how much distilled water should a nurse add? 36 oz 12 oz 24 oz


Let x = amt of distilled water


A simple equation

.25(16) = .10(x+16)

4 = .10x + 1.6

4 - 1.6 = .1x

2.4 = .1x

x = 2.4/0.1

x = 24 oz of distilled water



Prove this by seeing the amt of antiseptic is the same (only the % changes)

.25(16) = .10(24+16)

4 = .1(40)

I hope my answer has come to your help. Thank you for posting your question here in Brainly. We hope to answer more of your questions and inquiries soon. Have a nice day ahead!

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf klo salah

16. ada yang tau film "The Wizard Of Oz" ga? (film tahun 1939) kalau tau, tolong dong ceritakan ulang DENGAN PANJANG & JELAS isi filmnya.. kalian boleh pake bahasa Indonesia/English.. tolong ceritakan dengan benar ya.. terima kasih :)

Cerita bermula dari tanah pertanian Kansas dimana Dorothy dan peiharaannya Toto yang tiba-tiba terjebak beliung, kemudian berada di sebuah negeri di balik pelangi. Dalam perjalanannya untuk menemukan arah pulang menuju rumah, mereka bertemu Scarecrow si bijak penuh keluguan yang ingin untuk menjadi manusia, Tinman sang penebang kayu dengan impiannya untuk memiliki sebuah hati, dan Lion, singa pengecut yang mendambakan keberanian. Bersama-sama, mereka menyusuri jalanan yang terbuat dari bata berwarna kuning, menuju Kota Zamrud dan menemui penyihir agung Oz, satu-satunya harapan bagi Dorothy untuk kembali ke Kansas. Tak sekedar menolong Dorothy, Scarecrow, TinMan, dan Lion juga berharap bertemu sang penyihir agung agar masing-masing impiannya dapat dikabulkan. Dikisahkan Dorothy dan kawan-kawan yang harus berhadapan dengan Penyihir Jahat dari Barat sebelum bertemu dengan penyihir agung Oz. Ketika sampai pada akhir cerita, penyihir agung Oz mengembalikan Dorothy dan peliharaannya Toto ke Kansas. Namun penyihir agung Oz hanya menggelengkan kepala ketika Scarecrow, TinMan, dan Lion meminta hal yang sama yakni agar impian masing-masing bisa terkabul. Sebab ternyata Scarecrow, TinMan, dan Lion sudah memiliki apa yang sebenarnya mereka cari. Scarecrow yang memiliki kepedulian untuk membantu Dorothy dan Toto telah memperlihatkan sosok manusiawi dengan jiwa penolong. TinMan yang bercita-cita memiliki hati juga sudah menunjukkan belas kasih dan berpihak pada kebaikan. Sedangkan Lion dengan berani telah menghalau anak buah penyihir jahat dari Barat untuk melindungi Dorothy dan membuktikan bahwa ia bukan makluk pengecut.

:) Mau nulis yang Bahasa Inggris, tapi terlalu panjang..
Semoga membantu.. :)

17. the wizard of oz's story

The film starts insepia-tonedKansasin the early 1900s. Dorothy Gale lives with her dogTotoon the farm of herAunt EmandUncle Henry. Dorothy and Toto get in trouble with aruthless neighbor, Miss Almira Gulch, when Toto bites her. However, Dorothy's family andthe farmhands are all too busy to pay attention to her. Miss Gulch arrives with permission from the sheriff to have Toto euthanized. He is taken away, but escapes andreturns to Dorothy; she then decides to run away from home with Toto to escape Miss Gulch.They meet Professor Marvel, a phony fortuneteller, who realizes Dorothy has run away and tricks her via his crystal ball into believing that her aunt is ill so that she must return home. She races home as a powerfultornadodevelops. Unable to get into her family'sstorm cellar, she seeks safety in her bedroom. A wind-blown window sash hits her head and she falls unconscious on her bed. She begins dreaming, seeing the house spinning in the air, held aloft by the twister. In the storm outside the window, she sees an elderly lady in a chair, several farm animals, two men rowing a boat, and Miss Gulch (still pedaling her bicycle), who transforms into a cackling witch flying on a broomstick.
The farm house crashes inMunchkinlandin theLand of Oz, where the film changes to Technicolor.Glinda the Good Witch of the Northand theMunchkinswelcome her as a heroine, as the house has landed on and killed theWicked Witch of the East, leaving only her feet exposed. Her sister, theWicked Witchof the West, arrives to claim the magic ruby slippers worn on her sister's feet. Glinda transfers them off her feet to Dorothy's feet, instead. The Wicked Witch of the West swears revenge on Dorothy and Toto for her sister's death. Glinda tells Dorothy to follow theyellow brick roadto theEmerald City, where theWizard of Ozmight be able to help her get back home.On her way to the Emerald City, Dorothy meets and befriends theScarecrow, who wants a brain, theTin Woodman, who desires aheart, and theCowardly Lion, who is in need of courage. Dorothy invites each of them to accompany her. After encountering the Witch, who attempts to deter them from theirdestination, they finally reach the Emerald City. Inside, after being initially rejected, they are permitted to see the Wizard (appearing to them in the form of a large head surrounded by fire), who agrees to grant their wishes when they bring him the Witch of the West's broomstick.On their quest to the Witch's castle, the grouppasses through the Haunted Forest while the Witch views their progress through a crystal ball. She then sends herwinged monkeysto ambush the four and capture Dorothy and Toto. At the castle, the Witch fails to get the slippers off Dorothy due to a magical electricbarrier, remembering that Dorothy must first be killed. Toto escapes and leads her friends to the castle. After defeating three Winkie Guards and stealing their uniforms, they march inside and free her, but the Witchand her guards trap them. The Scarecrow drops a chandelier onto the Winkies, and the group is chased across the battlements, before being trapped on both sides. The Witchsets fire to the Scarecrow and Dorothy splashes a bucket of water onto the flames; the Witch, also hit by it, melts. The guards rejoice that she is dead and give Dorothy the charred broomstick in gratitude.Back at the Emerald City, the Wizard delays their requests to grant their obviously well-deserved rewards. As the outraged group argues, Toto pulls open a curtain and exposes the "Wizard" as a normal middle-agedman who has been operating and controlling the image of the wizard; he then admits to being ahumbug. Nonetheless, he reinstates itwhen he gives the Scarecrow a diploma, the Lion a medal, and the Tin Man a ticking heart-shaped watch, granting their wishes and convincing them that what they sought has been achieved. He then prepares to launch his hot air balloon to take Dorothy home, but Totochases a cat, Dorothy follows, and the balloon leaves without them. Glinda arrives and tells her that she can still return home by tapping her heels together three times and repeating,"There's no place like home". After bidding a tearful goodbye to her friends, Dorothy taps her heels together and awakens from her dream, surrounded by her family, the farmhands, Professor Marvel, and Toto.

18. Bantu soal Error dong kawan -_- 1. Her best-known role of Judy Garland was as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz

Judy Garland best-known her role as Dorothy in The Wizard of Ozknown role of judy garland was as dorothy in the wizard of oz her best.

19. Ada yang bisa tidak ya...! Saya ingin minta tolong dengan kalian. Minta tolong buatkan cerita singkat "The Wizard of Oz" dalam Bahasa Inggris. Oke!!.... Thank!!......

Folklore, legends, myths and fairy tales have followed childhood through the ages, for every healthy youngster has a wholesome and instinctive love for stories fantastic, marvelous and manifestly unreal. The winged fairies of Grimm and Andersen have brought more happiness to childish hearts than all other human creations.

Yet the old time fairy tale, having served for generations, may now be classed as “historical” in the children’s library; for the time has come for a series of newer “wonder tales” in which the stereotyped genie, dwarf and fairy are eliminated, together with all the horrible and blood-curdling incidents devised by their authors to point a fearsome moral to each tale. Modern education includes morality; therefore the modern child seeks only entertainment in its wonder tales and gladly dispenses with all disagreeable incident.

Having this thought in mind, the story of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” was written solely to please children of today. It aspires to being a modernized fairy tale, in which the wonderment and joy are retained and the heartaches and nightmares are left out.

20. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, children's book written by L. Frank Baum and first published in 1900. A modern fairy tale with a distinctly American setting, ...

Semoga membantu :)
Semoga bermanfaatSemoga membantu :)
Terima kasih

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