There Are Birds Here


There Are Birds Here

Birds are animals that live in the air and have wings, which allow them to fly. There are many different types of birds, and they can be found in almost every part of the world. Examples of birds include ducks, geese, crows, sparrows, pigeons, and many more. Birds can be found in fields, forests, parks, and even in your backyard. They feed on worms, insects, and even small animals like mice. Birds are also important for the environment, as they help to spread seeds and pollinate flowers.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. A: How many birds are there? B : There are The birds are in the cage. More​


More than 1


Cause they said bird(s) for thing much than 1/2+ add s in the last text!

Hopeusefullforu! ^-^

2. how many birds are there


berapa banyak burung di sana


Soal :

Jawab : Translate

ada berapa burung dari


semoga membantu

3. There are lots of birds nesting …….. *​


There are many birds that nest on tree branches


Semoga membantu


there are lots birds nesting in the trees

(ada banyak burung bersarang diatas pohon)


moga bantu..^_^

4. Fill in the blanks with collective nouns.There are a … of birdsThere are a … of fishThere are a … of dogs​






Maaf kalo salah


5. There are many birds in the tree. The birds ....… are small. Their feathers are black and brown *A.areB.hasC.isD.have​

Jawaban:A. are

Penjelasan: di pertanyaan tersebut, tertulis THE BIRDS dengan huruf s sehingga menunjukan subject yang lebih dari 1 sehingga jawabannya ARE


B. has

karna small kepunyaan dari the birds

6. look there! The birds are flying in the sky.mengapa jawabannya are flying​


Karena Burung Itu Terbang :v


karena the birds artinya kan burung burung itu maka kan menggunakan kata mereka karena lebih dari satu atau bahasa inggris nya they jadi bila menggunakan they maka to be nya are maka nya kenapa itu jadi are flying


to be are di gunakan untuk ,you,they,we

itu dari saya


7. two-there-birds-are-in-cage-the​




8. 1. An there is elephat 2. There one is snake 3. Birds twenty there are


1. There is an elephant.

2. There is one snake.

3. There are twenty birds.

9. there are three birds on the table

Ada tiga burung di atas meja

Question :

There are three birds on the table

Answer :

Ada tiga burung diatas meja


Semoga Membantu.... ^ ^

10. look! there are many birds are house,a.inside b.under c.over d.on

over my house...
Semoga benar...JAWABAN →

Menurutku diantara a (inside) dan c (over).
Inside artinya didalam.
Over artinya melewati.
Sesangkan on artinya di atas da under artinya dibawah. Jadi menurutku lebih tepat jawabannya salah satu antara a dan c. Tapi bukan dua-duanya ya hehe.

Aku belum terlalu yakin dengan jawabannya, tetapi semoga ini bisa jadi bantuan kecil yah^^

11. are there only two kids of birds in the shop​


apakah hanya ada dua anak burung di toko

12. Suaunlah kata berikut menjadi kalimat 1 .SiX-Are-there-tijens 2 .Are-tions-there-Two 3.AH-there-is-elepharet-there-is-elephart 4. there-one-is-sudre 5 .birds-twenty-there-are

1.there are sik tijens

2.there are two tions

3.there is a elephart

4.there is one sudre

5.there are twenty birds

13. Look! … many birds in the park. they are beautiful. * a. there is b. these are c. there are d. that is

Pilihan ganda yang tepat untuk mengisi titik - titik pada kalimat Look! .... many birds in the park adalah there are. There are merupakan adverb.


Adverb atau kata keterangan merupakan kata yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan adjective (kata sifat), adverb, verb (kata kerja), dan sentence (kalimat). Kalimat Look! ... many birds in the park artinya Lihat! .... banyak burung di taman yang berarti ingin menunjukkan atau mengarahkan ke suatu tempat sehingga untuk mengisi titik - titik diatas menggunakan adverb of place. Contoh adverb of place adalah there.

Penggunaan is atau are berdasarkan jumlah benda. Pada kalimat diatas bendanya adalah birds (terdapat s dibelakang bird sehingga menunjukkan bird-nya ada banyak/jamak).

Penjelasan dari Soal

a. There is berarti "disana ada" namun untuk benda tunggal (is)

b. These are "ini adalah" namun untuk benda jamak (are)

c. There are berarti "disana ada" namun untuk benda jamak/banyak (are)

d. That is berarti "itu adalah" untuk benda tunggal (is)

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang adverb pada



14. (+) there are many birds in that tree. (-) (?)(+)(-)there is not a fly in my soup.(?)​

(+) there are many birds in that tree.

(-) there are not many birds in that tree.

(?) are there many birds in that tree?

(+) there is a fly in my soup

(-) there is not a fly in my soup.

(?) is therea fly in my soup?

semoga membantu...

15. two - there - birds - are - in - cage - the Mengurutkan :))))​


There are two birds in the cage

There are two birds in the cage

Semoga membantu
Tolong dikasi brainliest answer :))))

16. Colourfull-birds-are-the-there-funny susunlah kalimat ini dengan benar


They Are the funny colourfull birds

Semoga membantu ya^^

17. 3. how many bird are there ? "3 Birds"a. there are two birdsb. there are three birdsc. there are four birdsd. there are five birds4. How many students in your class in Indonesia isa. ada berapa banyak murid dikelasmub. ada berapa banyak benda dikelasmuc. ada berapa banyak kursi dikelasmud. ada beberapa banyak meja dikelasmu5. ada pena dikotak pensil, in English!a. there is a pencil in pencil caseb. there is a pen in pencil casec. there is a ruller in pencil cased. there is a rubber in pencil caseTolong dijawab ya sekarang plissss ya ​


3. B

4. A



3. B (karena disamping soal ada tulisan 3 birds)

4. A (karena students itu murid)

5. A (karena bahasa Inggris nya pensil adalah pencil)

semoga membantu dan jadikan jawaban ku menjadi jawaban tercerdas ya (^^)

18. Muna : Hello hana, Where are you?Hana : I'm in the park. ............ so many birds over thereMalik : Are there any yellow birds?Ana : No, ......... However, all of them are so beautiful​


I'm in the park. there are so many birds over there.

No, there's no yellowbirds However, all of them are so beautiful​


19. fita: how many birds are there on the tree? chika: ... a bird on the tree a. there are b. there is c. they are​


fita: berapa banyak burung yang ada di pohon? chika: ... burung di pohon a. ada b. ada c. mereka adalah

20. How many birds are there in Bali bird park?

Berapa banyak burung yang ada di taman burung Bali?

1.000 burung dari 250 jenis burung yang berbeda
1,000 birds from 250 different bird species

I hope this helps
semoga membantu

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