1440 Minutes In A Day


1440 Minutes In A Day

1440 Minutes In A Day is a concept that refers to the number of minutes that make up one day. This means that there are 24 hours in a day, and each hour is made up of 60 minutes. Therefore, 24 hours multiplied by 60 minutes equals 1440 minutes in one day. **Question: How many hours are there in a day?** There are 24 hours in a day.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. The total break time of each activity in a day is ....A. Twenty minutesB. Twenty five minutesC. Thirty five minutesD. Forty minutes


Break time = Lunch

11:55 – 12:30 = C. Thirty five minutes

2. 1. 1 Year =. . . . . Minutes ? 2. 1 Month =. . . . . Minutes ? 3. 1 Week =. . . . . Minutes ? 4. 1 Day =. . . . . Minutes ? 5. 24 Hours =. . . . . Minutes ? ​


1 year=525600 minutes

1 month=43800.048 minutes

1 week=10080 minutes

1 day =1440 minutes

24 hours=1440 minutes


semoga bermanfaat!!- selamat belajar!

maaf kalau salah


1.1 year = 12 month = 360 day = 1.440 x 360 = 518.400minutes.

2.1 Month = 30 day, 1 day = 1.440 x 30 = 43.200minutes.

3. 1 Week = 7 day, 1 day = 1.440 minutes = 1.440 x 7 = 10.080minutes

4. 1 day = 24 hours, 60 x 24 = 1.440minutes

5. 60 minutes = 1 hours, 60 x 24 = 1.440minutes

Semoga bermanfaat!!

3. 1. How minutes in one hour?a. 45 minutesO b. 60 minutesC. 50 minutesO d. 100 minutes​

B.60 minutes =60 menit

4. quiz bantu Jawab no asal kalau ngasal auto report jawab pertanyaan dibawah ini1 one hundred and twenty minutes2 How many seconds are there in an hour?3 How many minutes are there in a day? 4 How many hours are there in a week?5 How many days are there in a year?dan bagian lima ​

1. 2 hours

2. 3600 seconds

3. 1440 minutes

4. 168 hours

5. 365 days

[Bagian lima itu sama dengan yang diatas ya?]

5. write minutes in hour and minutes360 min = h min​


6 hours

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Semoga membantu

6. Budi reads 250 words in 5 minutes. Find the numbers of word in 12 minutes​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


[tex]n=\frac{250}{5}\times 12[/tex]

[tex]n=50\times 12[/tex]

[tex]n=600\:Words [/tex]

7. we should exercise every day for _________ minutes.


Jawabannya adalah 30 minutes

8. A half means ..... minutes in telling time


A half means 30 minutes in telling time


A half artinya 30 menit ( setengah jam)

Misalnya A half past 7.00 ( artinya pukul 7.30 atau setengah delapan)

9. the train will be leaving in a few minutes atau the train will leave in a few minutes

itu di artiin?? kalo iya, ini jawabannya :

Keretanya akan meninggalkan stasiun beberapa menit lagi

eh.....The train will be leaving in a few minutes.

10. Studying for 15 minutes a day ____ you to get better grades at school.​


Studying for 15 minutes a day make you to get better grades at school.​

Arti :

Belajar selama 15 menit sehari membuatmu mendapatkan nilai lebih baik di sekolah.

Semoga membantu

11. ..... for me. i'ii be ready in a few minutes.

......... aku. Aku akan siap beberapa menit lagi.just a minute for me

smhg mmbntu

12. how many minutes are in a hour

berapa menit dalam satu jamBerapa menitkah dalam satu jam??

13. there are......minutes in a hour

there are 60/sixty minutes in a hour.

semoga membantu:)There are 60 minutes in a hour

14. Type a bacteria multiply every five minutes. in the first fifteenminutes there were 400 bacteria. the number of bacteria in thefirst thirty-five minutes was ...​


3200 bakteri

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Barisan Geometri


Un = a.r^n-1


diketahui :

U_4 = 400

r = 2

ditanya :



cari a terlebih dahulu

U_4 = a.r^n-1

400 = a. 2^4-1

400 = a. 2^3

400 = a . 8

a = 50

selanjutnya kita cari U_7

U_7 = a. r^n-1

U_7 = 50. 2^7-1

U_7 = 50. 2^6

U_7 = 50. 64

U_7 = 3200


semoga membantu

15. apa arti.seconds in one minutes​


Satu menit berapa detik


satu menit berapa detik ?


16. There are...minutes in a hour​


60 minutes


Because minutes and seconds is 60 maximum

Sorry if im wrong


There are sixty minutes in a hour

Semoga membantu xD

17. 18. How long do we put the rice in water and leave itthere?A. 15 minutes.C. 30 minutesB. 45 minutes.D. 60 minutes.​


C. 30 minutes

maaf klo salah


B. 30 minutes


I hope this helps ^_^

18. gilang, i will___ in a few minutes

Jika kalimat verbal langsung gunakan v1. Jika nominal "be there"

19. 2. The meaning of quarter in time isa. 10 minutesb. 60 minutesc. 15 minutesd. 30 minutes​


Arti seperempat dalam waktu adalah

[tex] \frac{1}{4} \times 60 = 15[/tex]



Semoga membantu :)


2. The meaning of quarter in time is

C.15 minutes


Aquarter dalam waktu seperti

Quarterpast > Lebih dari 15 menit

Quarterto > Kurang dari 15 menit

**✿❀ Semoga Membantu ❀✿**

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

20. 4. DianHow do you say 02.10 a.m?VeraIt is ...A. ten minutes past two in the morningB. two minutes past ten in the morningC. ten minutes past two in the afternoonD. two minutes past ten in the afternoon​


A. ten minutes past two in the morning


kalau salah kemungkinan yang c.ten minutes past two in the afternoon karna a dan c sama artinya dalam bahasa indonesia


A. ten minutes past two in the morning


semoga membantu^^

pollow yak

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