You Mean A Woman Can Open It


You Mean A Woman Can Open It

What is You Mean A Woman Can Open It?

You Mean A Woman Can Open It is a workshop created by the nonprofit organization Women in Technology, which helps women learn to open up their own businesses and gain the confidence, resources, and support to do so. The workshop provides women with information on how to create a business plan, market their business, and access resources to help them succeed. It also helps to build a supportive community of female entrepreneurs.

What are the Benefits of Attending You Mean A Woman Can Open It?

Attending You Mean A Woman Can Open It provides a number of different benefits. It allows women to access resources and support to help them open up their own business. It also helps to build a network of female entrepreneurs, which can be invaluable for those just starting out. Additionally, the workshop provides hands-on activities and experiences that can help women increase their confidence and knowledge in the business world.
How Can Students Get Involved With You Mean A Woman Can Open It?
Students interested in attending You Mean A Woman Can Open It can find information on their website. Additionally, the organization offers a number of different workshops and events throughout the year. They also offer mentoring opportunities and the chance to network with other female entrepreneurs. Finally, students can join the organization's mailing list for updates about upcoming events and workshops.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. man: shall l open the can for you? woman: No thanks. l can do it myself. what does the man mean?

the man is want to offering help but the women can do it

translate to indonesia

si laki laki itu ingin menawarkan pertolongan tetapi si perempuan itu bisa melakukan nya sendiri

2. Man: Can you believe it? I got an A o n my Finance exam Woman: Way to go! Narrator: What does the woman mean?

way to go = gitu dong atau mantap, atau baku nya bagus sekali

3. Translet if you open the drink, you can consume it tomorrow​


jika kamu membuka minumannya,kamu bisa mengkonsumsi itu besok

4. Man: How do you like living in America? Woman: I am used to it know. Narrator: What does the woman mean?

im used to it now. ="aku sudah terbiasa" atau "sekarang aku sudah terbiasa"

5. Woman : " oh, this bag is so heavy that i can hardly lift it." man : " ..... " woman : " thank you. that's very kind of you." a. can you help me? b. can you do me a favor? c. can i see the bag for you? d. can i give you a hand? e. can i make it not heavy?


D.can i give you a hand?



6. 4. Woman : Open the windows, will you ?Boy: Yes, MadamWoman : Will you sweep the floor?Boy :... (Acceptance)A. I'm sorry. I'm busyb. Do by yourselfC. Another time, pleased. Alright, I can do it​


Alright, I can do it


maaf kalo salah


C. another time, please

kalau C dia minta agar di lain waktu karena pada saat itu dia sedang mengerjakan windowsnya


karna kalo A dan B kesannya rada kasar sedangkan dia kek pembantu

kalo D pasti pekerjaaan dia ga maksimal

7. Man : will you return the book on time? Woman : i give my word on it What does the woman mean?

she promise that she will return the book on time

8. kaka said,"can i help you?"what does it mean?

It means, Kaka offering help.

Maksudnya, Kaka menawarkan bantuan.

Maaf jika salah. Semoga membantu ^_^Answer:
Kaka said,"can i help you?"
what does it mean?

(Kaka berkata :"bisakah saya membantumu?")

Apa maksud dari uangkapan itu?

=> It means that kaka offers help to her / his friend or others.


9. Ilyas asks,"Do you think you can solve it?"What does it mean

Jawaban:Apakah Anda pikir Anda dapat menyelesaikannya? "Apa artinya

itu artinya :')

Apakah kau bisa menyeselasikan/memecahkannya?

Maaf kalau salah

10. .1. Woman : Open the window, will you?Boy : Yes, MadamWoman : Will you sweep the floor?Boy(acceptance)A. I'm sorry. I'm busyB. Do by yourselfC. Another time, pleaseD. Alright, I can do it​


D. alright, I can do it

Good luckk! Dan jangan lupa bintang limanya yhaa

11. Ilyas asks ,do you think you can solve it? What does it mean ?


yes it means that it needs teamwork

12. do you understand what i mean ? no ma'm can you again

apa anda mengerti apa yang saya maksud? tidak, bu dapat kah anda (repeat=mengulangi)nya lagi

13. Can you ... the floor, please? a. Sweepb. openc. Arranged. Move The class is dirty. Can you ... it? a. Arrangeb. Cleanc. Opend. Pick​


A. Sweep

B. Clean


Bisakah kamu..... Lantai,tolong?

Kelas kotor. Bisakah kamu....... Ini?


1. A. sweep

2. B. clean


SEMOGA membantu

jadikan jawaban terbaik

KALO salah report

14. kaka said can i help you" what does it mean?

kakak berkata bolehkah aku membantumu kaka's offering us his help

15. Ilyas asks " Do you think you can solve it " what does it mean


He asks do you think you can solve it (dia bertanya apakah kamu pikir kamu bisa menyelesaikan nya)

16. Read the dialog belowMan Can I give you a handWoman: Ye please. I want to buy amicrowave, Can you show me?Man : Sure. Come with me I'llshow youWoman Thank youWhat does the underlinedsentence mean?Select one:a. It is requesting a helpb. It is expressing pleasureO c. It is offering a helpO d. It is asking for information​

It is asking for information

Bertanya tentang informasi dimana microwave nya sehingga si pria memberi tau

17. "can you open the door for me, my son?" asked an old woman. an old woman asked a young ___ the door for her.

Jawaban:a young boy to open

Penjelasan : "can you open the door for me, my son?" asked an old women. Seorang wanita tua meminta seorang anak laki- laki muda (theson ), untuk membuka pintu untuknya ( canyouopenthedoorforme,my son? )

18. It is too hot in here, can you open ……………………… window, please?


it is too hot in here can you open the the window please,?

19. kaka said,can i help you what does it mean

kaka mengatakan, bisa saya membantumuKaka mengatakan " Dapatkah aku menolongmu ?"

20. Where can you find this caution? What does it mean?​


1. we can find this caution at street

2. it mean we cannot park in the marked place


hope this help can usefull ^^

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